(Previously posted on the UBC Facebook page)
While African Swine Fever (ASF) continues to wreak havoc on local production, there is the promise of good news on the horizon. In the United States, the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service has reported that one of the potential candidates for an ASF vaccine has been adapted to a production method that no longer requires live pigs and fresh porcine cells for production.
This will greatly simplify vaccine production, and could be the answer embattled swine producers and consumers in the Philippines are looking for. The process can now be replicated in lab-grown cultures, while retaining the original properties of the original vaccine produced with live pig cells. Currently, the ARS has licensed four different ASF vaccine candidates to various commercial partners for more development.
Read the whole story here: https://www.feedstuffs.com/news/asf-vaccine-candidate-now-produced-cell-line?fbclid=IwAR2NyICcJxVboDyWwRo2Spnk9nvEd04mli0Wo1ThgEi_g1Zk8VMbl0yTVzI